WARNING: This product contains nicotine, nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Nicotine Overdose and Vaping: Essential Information Every Vaper Should Know

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In recent years, vaping has gained significant popularity as an alternative to traditional smoking. However, with this rise in popularity comes important questions about the potential risks, especially when it comes to nicotine overdose. As a vaper, it’s crucial to be well-informed about the facts, so you can make safe and responsible choices. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about nicotine overdose and vaping.


The Toxic Dose of Nicotine: Shattering the Myth

One of the myths making the rounds for decades was the fact that nicotine was extremely toxic. Either well-accepted or more or less believed was the fact that an infinitesimal trace of nicotine would be lethal. The myth has been busted by science today. Austrian Graz University’s Dr. Mayer busted the age-old myth of the toxicity of nicotine.

The previously accepted lethal dose (LD50) had been determined to be approximately 60mg in a 70-kg adult. But based on Dr. Mayer’s report, human lethal nicotine dose is probably very close to 4mg/ml blood plasma, or 500 to 1,000 milligrams dose. The current estimate of lethal dose can then be 10 to 20 times below the mark. In reality, the lethal dose of nicotine may best be established at 750mg, roughly 12 times the previously estimated 60mg. So, while nicotine is indeed a toxic substance, the danger of a lethal overdose from normal vaping is not as high as was once believed.

Signs You’ve Had Too Much Nicotine

It is also essential to be aware of the signs of nicotine overdose for yourself. Some of the most prevalent signs to be on the lookout for are:

Symptoms of Nicotine Poisoning

Early Stage Symptoms (Within 15 Minutes to One Hour)

Nausea and Vomiting: More than 50% of the patients who show symptoms of nicotine poisoning will vomit. This is usually the initial response of the body to the overdose of nicotine.

Excessive Salivation: Your mouth will be moist, with excess saliva.

Stomach Pain: Stinging or dull pain in the stomach area is one of the signs of nicotine abuse.

Pale Complexion: The skin’s complexion will become pale and also return to its former state from that of the non-nicotine addiction.

Sweating: Sweating profusely even under cold weather is one of the means your body is attempting to deal with the excess nicotine.

Racing Heart and High Blood Pressure: The body’s cardiovascular system is struck with an acute increase in blood pressure and an elevated heart rate.

Deep and Quick Breathing (Hyperpnea): Deep and faster than normal breathing may be happening.

Changed Control of Whole Body Movement (Ataxia): It may result in loss of balance and inability to walk normally.

Tremor: Shaking of hands or other parts of the body may happen.

Headache, Dizziness: Headache and dizziness are felt.

Muscle Twitching: Sudden painful muscle twitching is an indication that something is amiss.

Seizures: Seizures can also cause the most severe forms, i.e., a medically emergencies-ized state.

Late Phase Symptoms (Within 30 Minutes to Four Hours)

Diarrhea: Loose or diarrhea movements could be one of the body reactions to the excess nicotiningg in the later stage.

Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension) and Slow Heart Rate (Bradycardia): The blood pressure falls below that of a normal individual and decelerates during recovery from nicotiningg overdose.

Irregular Heart Rhythms: The heart rhythm becomes irregular, a condition which is hazardous to life.

Shock: The body also shocks in very rare cases, a condition which is fatal.

Coma: The patient also gets comatose because of death resulting from an overdose of nicotine, where he/she loses consciousness.

Muscle Weakness/Paralysis: The muscles get paralyzed or weakened and the body no longer has the ability to move.

Shallow Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Respiratory Failure: The worst of the end-of-life symptoms because the body is unable to receive enough oxygen.

Can Nicotine Poisoning Result from Vaping?

You can get poisoned by nicotine from vaping, but not as easily as you may think. The risk is higher if vapers are vaping high-nicotine-strength e-liquids or if there is a fault in the vaping equipment that causes excessive nicotine to be absorbed in a single episode. Also, if a vaper switches from a lower-nicotine-strength liquid to a much higher one and does not alter their vaping pattern, this can also cause a heightened risk of nicotine overdose.

What Could Actually Happen When You’re Vaping

When you vape, you are introducing nicotine into the lungs and it goes directly into the bloodstream. In a normal vaping session, the body can absorb the nicotine. When you vape day in and day out, not resting from vaping, or vape through a device that is giving you a very high dose of nicotine within a very short time interval, your body might start to show symptoms of nicotine overdose.

The Risks of Nicotine Use

Nicotine use poses a threat to itself, especially to children and pets. The e – liquid, which comprises nicotine, comes in colorful packaging and baby-friendly flavors. Even a minimal amount of ingested e – liquid causes long-lasting health damage. For example, one teaspoon of liquid nicotine can kill a 26 – pound child. Ingestion will make onset of symptoms of poisoning from nicotine quick, since the nicotine is absorbed quickly through the mouth and intestinal mucus membranes.

The Dangers of Nicotine Coming into Contact with Your Skin

Liquid nicotine penetrates the skin. If e – liquid falls on the skin, it will penetrate into the body. This is especially dangerous since the absorption may happen so quickly, and you may not even realize you’ve been exposed until symptoms start to appear. Symptoms can range from a skin burn to the systemic effects of nicotine overdose if enough nicotine is absorbed.

What to Do If You Begin to Develop Symptoms

If you believe that you or someone else is experiencing symptoms of nicotine overdose, then you will have to act fast. Call for immediate medical assistance first. Do not try to induce vomiting in the person yourself, as it will be dangerous without the presence of a medical physician. Stay with the person until help comes and keep them calm and relaxed. If symptoms are mild, say a headache or slight nausea only, then stop vaping immediately and go to bed. Drink plenty of water in a bid to flush the nicotine out of your system.

Conclusion: Nicotine is Poisonous, But Don’t Panic


Nicotine is toxic, and there are a few hazards of vaping also. But how safely you vape if you do that correctly with correct information and proper usage. Facts regarding the signs of a nicotine overdose, danger of nicotine in different exposures, and an emergency plan are something which you ought to have.

Okay, now let’s shift to VEIIK Vaping devices.VEIIK offers a complete range of the finest vaping items with user safety and convenience as the basis of production. VEIIK‘s vaping items such as disposable vaporizer, prefilled pod, refillable pod, liquid available are designed to provide a pleasant vaping experience with minimal opportunities for overdose of nicotine. Whether you are either a new or experienced vaper, there is something from VEIIK for you. So, go on and surf their product line and choose an appropriate one for your vaping experience.



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